£47.00 GBP

Raising Your Visibility Masterclass

Date: Tuesday, September 26th at 10:00AM BST

We will be covering:

👀 What is your primary visibility focus? 

💰 How can visibility convert to clients?

📈 What visibility means for your business and lead generation strategy! 

⚖️ How to ensure your visibility has maximum impact with the least amount of time/effort

✨ The layered approach to visibility and selling

The Details:

  •  Workshop is limited to 20 people.

  • Replay available for those who aren't able to attend live.

  • Lifetime access to the replay will be sent for your reference after the masterclass has been delivered. 

*Currently or plan to be a member of The Shift Cohort 2024? Enter your COUPON CODE to join the masterclass for FREE!