Isn't it time you became the committed business woman you know you are?
An Exclusive, High-Level Mastermind For Female Service Providers.
The Expand Mastermind is for the business woman fed up of trying all the new shiny things, flitting from programme to programme or course to course.
It’s for the woman who knows what she wants and knows what she needs and is now ready to commit to that.
Join Now!

“Seriously, I cannot thank Sam enough for her support and guidance.
Sam’s coaching and endless support is a no brainer in my opinion. As my first coach, I know this won’t be my last. This year has been the best experience of my life and I can’t imagine where I would be without her help in strategy, business, mindset, and everything else.
When you work with Sam, you get more than just a coach, you get a friend too! 🥰”
Lauren Claire

I know you’re:
Fed up of seeing the shiny sales pages that go on for days
Over the whole challenge and free webinar vibe to sell your offers
Not really digging the online space like you used to
Have been in business long enough now to know what you do and don’t like
Don’t really want to join a new programme to learn a ‘new way of doing things’.
But, you’re still looking for a way to grow and scale your business in a way that feels good and gets you the results you desire, right?
So; lets start there shall we?!
Over the last 5 years I have seen a lot of things change, come and go, stick around, emerge…
And you probably have too.
Some things that have remained the same in my world are;
The brand (I don’t think yellow will ever leave me!)
My 6 figure PROFIT that has been obtained for the last 3 consistent years in business
My multiple 6 figure business
My lifestyle (3 days a week, 3 weeks a month)
The consistent success of my clients (just search my social media and website)
The masterminds I run and sell out with no big launches, ads or paid marketing as outgoings

Anyway, the list could continue but the reason I am sharing with you is this:
I want 3 things for you and your business
(and I am guessing you want them too, and if you don’t that’s fab – you know what you want and this won’t be it)

A solid brand that you align with, can speak your truth through and show up and express yourself without feeling overwhelmed or unsure of ‘what to say or post’

A financial robust business that focusses on PROFIT and you want to scale that profit year on year without big outgoings etc to make that happen

Simplicity and wealth combined – you want to have offers you love, supporting people you align and vibe with and also make more money than ever before without it feeling like a sacrifice or constant struggle
If we boil that down even further, you want;
Solid messaging that sells
Profit that creates financial freedom for the LONG TERM and the legacy you are building
Simplicity which means you don’t just end up with another full time job that pays you minimum wage
The committed business woman is what I am and have been about for the last 4 years - but maybe you haven’t been on the inside to know that yet!

"Thank you so much for all of your support this year, it was a dream to want to work with you and I did and it was bloody amazing!! I honestly am SOOOO grateful for you over this past year, it's been my best year in biz and I couldn't have done it without you, your guidance and support."
But, before I go any further, let me introduce myself in case we haven’t met yet…
I’m Sam, and it is important for me to share my story with you because I used to be where you are now…
I have always been a high achiever, someone that will give 110% to everything I do, a very all or nothing kinda girl.
I put a lot of pressure on myself, am my own worst critic and always think ‘what next’ and ‘what else can I achieve or try?’
Does this sound familiar or even just like you?!
My early years (pre 22) involved grief, anxiety, insecurity, abandonment and lots of self- doubt…
Since graduating university with a first-class honours degree and working as a teacher for 10 years, receiving multiple promotions and continuing to challenge myself in my profession, I was ready FOR MORE.
I craved more freedom and living LIFE with less strict scheduling, being able to eat lunch when I fancy and wee when I need to – less time restraints and more flexibility.
I was ready to see what else I could do…
- Could I achieve more than my teaching profession allows?
- Was I able to build a more abundant life?
- What else is possible for me?
- Can I enjoy more creativity, success, joy?
And this led me into coaching where I have found my true purpose and passion in life. Somewhere I have been able to help my clients achieve results like:

So, what does being a committed business woman mean?

"Being in a group of other business women in different sectors that could each offer something unique and different, as well as different perspectives and have love and support for each other.
I loved starting my week every Monday with a group call with Sam and all the girls, they were always so beneficial, even just as a general check in.
Sam literally goes above and beyond to offer the most incredible support you need, but will also challenge you, which as a business owner is exactly what you need."
Firstly, I don’t focus on sales numbers and how big your launches are...
I want to know what your profit, take home, savings, assets, long term financial planning is.
This focus has allowed me to support clients;
Renovating big house projects on their dream home
Move into their dream house that used to sit on a vision board
Pay off their credit card that has an interest rate that is practically criminal
Pay off weddings
Set up pensions and savings accounts that now have £50,000+ in
Build passive income into their business of consistent £8-10k per month
Hire team members so they can work less
Bring their husbands and partners into their businesses
Pay for their children to attend summer camps that were just out of reach financially in the past
Set up new businesses to expand their empire
Buy a new car outright with no finance or lease needed
Build office extensions in their home without needed to accumulate a loan or take money from their mortgages
Right, well you get the idea!
But this happens and has happened consistently for these incredible women for 2 reasons;

They trust the process

They work with me for a minimum of 12 months (long term wealth isn’t built in one quarter FYI)

Secondly, I am and always have been about simple systems done well.
I am not the person for you if you want to learn about hardcore email marketing or funnel building with twenty thousand up sells, cross sells, down sells etc!
I am the person that will listen to your challenge and provide an INSTANT, EASY and EFFECTIVE solution within minutes!
Your business doesn’t have to become a constant code cracker to reach your next level of success – in fact, the opposite.
So if you want to create a wildly profitable business that is also simple and allows you time to actually LIVE your life at the same time – then this mastermind is for you.

Finally, I am all about seeing you as a whole.
I support my clients as PEOPLE. So if you are ready to be supported with your energy, lifestyle, mindset, decision making, business strategy and overall be mentored FULLY by a qualified coach, multiple business owner, profit building, legacy making business woman – then I’m your gal!
Business is NOT a transaction to me. Has this got me burned in the past – of course!
Would I change the way I serve, support, celebrate and love my client – no way!
So now you have the vibe of this incredible space and group, as well as my intentions for our time together – let’s get down to the nuts and bolts of it all.

"Thank you, Sam. Honestly, I would not have been able to do it without you and the group. Without everything that we’ve been showing up to and coming to in the mastermind. The different sessions and hearing from the other ladies in the group…
Being in this space and hearing about the type of things that everyone is working on and the steps that they’re taking has just been amazing. Seeing this is real, that I know people who are doing this. It makes me feel I can do it too. It’s all possible."
Monique Basil-Wright

A place where committed women meet and collectively come together to achieve their next elevation of business.
Are you ready to commit to;
Expanding your income
Expanding your marketing and presence
Expanding your strategy and messaging
Expanding your business success
The Expand Mastermind is for the business woman fed up of trying all the new shiny things, flitting from programme to programme or course to course.
It’s for the woman who knows what she wants and knows what she needs and is now ready to commit to that.
This is a 12-month mastermind.
That is non – negotiable.
If you aren’t ready to commit to your long-term success for a year with me, please don’t apply.
Things will test you in a year, like anyway!
But if your first instinct is to run, get out, retreat, leave – this isn’t the space for me to support you.
If you understand the power that having me (and your fellow mastermind students) by your side for 12-months in your business will give you, then this is the place for you.
Join Now

"It supported me in so many ways. Having weekly group calls to share our focus for the week and get support around that but also gave me a huge surge of motivation - being able to write in the FB group whenever and any queries be answered whether that was by Sam or the others. It helped me see things from different perspectives and also take on new challenges. It helped to push me out of my comfort zone and show up more in my business, trying different strategies and approaches - it helped me be more organised and achieve things I never thought would be possible."

Again, we are creating waves with this, not something that already exists!
You are hitting consistent £2-5k months in your business and can comfortably investment in your business growth each month
You now want to learn how to consistently increase your baseline cash flow, sales, recurring revenue and start to see more profit in your business over the long term.
You also don’t want to sell your soul to your business to hit certain money goals but want to learn how you can create aligned sales success for you and your business, as well as still have space outside of your business too.
This mastermind is not a get rich quick programme and for you, at this level, it is about how you become a committed business woman who can overcome challenges, changes and innovation whilst STILL growing her business financially.

So, let’s take a look at what’s inside this epic 12-month ExpanD Mastermind:
2 coaching and strategy calls per WEEK with me
I know that there isn’t a one-size fits all, which is why we have our weekly group calls so I can deep dive into YOUR business, YOUR problems and together we can create YOUR solutions.
You can choose to attend both, or one, but the option is there for you to be in our collective energy twice a week and be supported
These calls take place on Monday and Tuesdays, so you start the week strong. They are recorded and given to you for lifetime access - perfect if you want to go back and listen to the plan and strategy we co-created for your business.
These calls will take place for the first 3 weeks of every month with the final month for support coaches and sessions to take place.
This amount of hands on intimate support from me, as a 1:1 client would be £2,500 +VAT per month and you have the chance to join this mastermind for 12 months for just 20% of that overall investment!
- Create a plan for the upcoming week for you to work on so you’re clear on what action you need to take.
- We encourage active listening on each member’s time with me to help gain different perspectives or ideas if needed.
- Gain the accountability you need to work on your business, not just in it.

Quarterly in-person strategy days
Join your fellow Committed Business Women in an in-person strategy day like no other. I tailor these days to the group’s needs and ensure they’re jam packed with value and knowledge you can take away and implement in your business.
These strategy days take place in Surrey and are always 10am-4pm, with your lunch and refreshments included
These days are £249 +VAT for each (totally just under £1,000 +VAT)
- Cement and build on the relationships you’ve started to grow with your fellow members
- Be in one another’s energy and for us to go deeper together uninterrupted
- Get the much-needed physical interaction you desire
- Enjoy some scrummy afternoon tea in a beautiful setting - perfect for getting some snaps for the gram!

The ability to become CPD accredited in one of our CPD programmes
– complimentary, as part of becoming a committed business woman
The client centred approach (£997 +VAT)
The Client Centred Approach Certification is a CPD accreditation that helps you build, grow and run a successful business with clients at the centre of what you do. It's perfect for any service provider looking to elevate their business and the experience their clients get with them.
The simple sustainable sales system (£1497 +VAT)
The Simply Sustainable Selling Systems is a CPD accreditation that focuses on supporting you with ALL areas of sales, making more money, bringing in more clients and growing a financially sustainable business - this will not only be a programme for you learn and develop as a business owner, but also for your business to start generating better results and increasing your sales as a bi-product.
These CPD accreditations are already worth nearly 50% of your overall investment into this mastermind!

Private FB group
This is where the friendships, honesty and collaborations are really built! Connect, build and grow relationships with your fellow mastermind members as well as getting direct access to me!
- Get feedback on your questions quickly
- Cheer on and support your fellow committed business women(and get that same support back)
- Have an easy place to go with whatever you need

Guest expert sessions (when needed and requested by you)
I am not adding my kitchen sink to this mastermind before you even join, when I know that what is on offer is enough to skyrocket your business already. How do I know that, because I have been running masterminds like this for 3 years consistently and the results speak for themselves.
So, when you request a session or need more in depth support that I cannot provide, I will being in experts to run sessions for you.
Past sessions I’ve organised have included: sales training, legal, online ads, email marketing, sales copy, being confident online, knowing your messaging, scaling, mindset and so much more!
- Learn new strategies from the best experts out there
- Get your questions answered on a variety of topics that aren't in my wheelhouse
- Another opportunity to learn and grow alongside your fellow committed business women

Are you ready to become the committed business woman that will lead to the results you truly desire in your business?
Results just like these:

Got Questions?
Why is this a 12-month mastermind?
Is there a payment plan?
What will the mastermind be focused on?
Will calls be recorded?
What if I need more support?
"2023 has been my best year in biz so far!! Highest cash months in business so far. Speaking at two huge festivals. Speaking at smaller events and having stands to sell my journals. Getting clients for my VIP package. Continuing to hold women's circles consistently. Holding mini retreats. Launching a membership and getting 7 women inside! Growing my email list. Starting a weekly newsletter that I have been consistent with. Continuing to write for a magazine. Getting my journals online and AMAZON! Selling my journals through IG and at events."
How would it feel to finally break through the ceiling you’ve reached in your business?
To secure new clients and customers with ease?
But, what if you don’t take that step?
If you don’t get that support and community of like-minded Committed Business Women?
Isn’t it time for:

Aligned business values, mission, messaging and marketing that will help attract new leads and sales to you with ease…

Profit beyond measure for your business and long term financial growth so that you can plan that next family holiday, make the investments you want to make, and know your business is rock-solid and able to support you and your family long into the future…

Simplicity that supports wealth and your overall success so that everything feels so much lighter and easier, banishing overwhelm and fear of failure for good.
You in?
Click below to apply now and begin your journey to becoming a Committed Business Woman.
Join Now!

2 coaching calls per week with me (worth £2,500 +VAT per month stand alone)
Monthly energy session (worth £200 per month stand alone)
Guest expert sessions (worth £200 min. depending on expert and topic)
Quarterly in person strategy day (worth £997 +VAT for all 4)
Quarterly funnel, tech and sales expert (worth £997 +VAT for all 4)
Your choice of CPD accreditation (worth up to £1497 +VAT)
Total Value = £36,091
+ VAT = £43,309.20