Do you want to know the secret to a successful business?

Without investing in high-ticket programmes, having to listen to thousands of podcasts, read every entrepreneurial book out there, or getting advice that works for the big names but probably won’t be right for you?



I’m going to get straight to the point instead of drawing this out in a long-winded sales page because you know that isn't how I roll!

Direct, to the point and packs a punch! 

I know you’re longing to make consistent progress in your business that makes a meaningful difference.

I know you’re dreaming of a business that meets your income and impact goals.

I know you’d love to have long-term support and a community of like-minded women surrounding you,



Because business is hard. It can be really lonely. And sometimes, we can feel so stuck we become paralysed by either:

Fear, overwhelm, or BOTH

So what if I told you I had the answer to this? 

That I knew exactly what will stop fear in its tracks.

What will banish overwhelm, keep you accountable, help you reach your income goals, and make sure 2025 is filled with fun, positive energy, honesty and support?

How would that change your business? Your life?

Lauren Claire

“Seriously, I cannot thank Sam enough for her support and guidance.

I started this program with an idea, I made multiple pivots and before the year is up, I am full time in my business, which felt like only a dream back in January.

Sam’s coaching and endless support is a no brainer in my opinion. As my first coach, I know this won’t be my last. This year has been the best experience of my life and I can’t imagine where I would be without her help in strategy, business, mindset, and everything else.

When you work with Sam, you get more than just a coach, you get a friend too! 🥰

Imagine being able to wake up each morning, excited to start the day.

You sit down at your desk with a clear plan of action. You feel elated for sales calls, videos or any other tasks you used to dread. And you know, that no matter what the day brings, you will have made meaningful, impactful progress.

We have already worked together, so I know how much this would mean for you and I want to be able to create an opportunity for that to happen and for you to have me in your corner in a way that I know will align best for you.

Heather Palfeyman

"Since joining, Sam supported me with looking at my business strategy to re-launch my group programme & I am already celebrating tripling my signups from the last round and all in week 1 of soft launching!

I also celebrated my first £5k month solely from my coaching business since joining this mastermind."

OK, OK, enough already, I get it, you want to know what it is!

Well, the secret/fix/thing is…. (drumroll, please!)...




And not just any old community. But a community of like-minded women who support and cheerlead one another.

And with community comes accountability, momentum and high-level mentorship.

All of which I have bundled together in my new 12-month membership style container.


The Shift is a 12-monthhigh-level, exclusive membership-style container for 12 women only to help you create constant shifts in an intimate setting with high-quality commitment and support throughout 2025.

This is the 4th cohort of The Shift membership. So far 40 women have been part of this movement and shifting their business forwards since 2022!



An intimate, private Facebook group where you can interact with the other ladies in THE SHIFT. You’ll also have direct access to me alongside the other ladies in the group. Long-term business besties are always made within my communities and this will be no different. This is the cure you’re looking for when those lonely days strike and you don’t know where to go or who to ask for advice.

A Monthly Differentiated Pod Strategy Session

Held on zoom, these powerful group video call sessions are split into 2 pods based on needs and business level and include hot seat coaching for each individual to be supported in the way they need.

They are designed to help you become more productive, achieve your goals quicker than you would on your own, have a clear vision for your business, take on any challenges that may come up with ease, feel more confident in your decisions and know that you’re going in the right direction.

A Weekly Q&A Thread Inside Your Private FB Group

Every week in the Facebook group I’ll start a thread for you to post your questions on. This is your opportunity to get my eyes on your business and support you at the moment you need. Want feedback on a graphic before you post it? Add it to the thread. Questioning how to tell your clients your raising your rates? Add it to the thread. Looking for ideas on when your next launch should be? Add it to the thread.

A Monthly Q&A Session

Get your most pressing questions answered in a live session. Gain valuable knowledge and insights from someone who’s been there before (that’s me!)

Additional Masterclasses with Sam

Join me as and when needed where we will deep dive into an aspect of business that you need the most in-depth training and support on.

These will happen on zoom and will be recorded so you can re-watch as and when needed.

This will provide you with THE SHIFT that you need to continue to make progress and be held accountable, whilst having a community of women at your back for support and brainstorming.

You’ll also get access to high-level mentorship but in a way you need long term, not just during a launch or busy period. And, become part of something outside of just you and your business.

Let’s create that constant shift, in an intimate setting with high-quality commitment and support.

But Wait.... There's More!

I have some juicy early-bird bonuses just for you!

01. The Business Foundations Bundle

(Valued at £197)

In this one-of-a-kind medley you’ll snag lifetime access to over 40 coaching videos on:

  • Growing an engaged Facebook group
  • Creating content to engage and convert
  • Understanding and identifying your ideal client
  • Knowing how to sell (and feeling confident doing it!)
  • The step by step launch process
  • PLUS a discovery call script to support you in signing those ideal clients ASAP - and a whole bunch more! (basically, all the stuff I’ve tried, tested, and perfected, so you don’t have to!)

02. 30-min 1:1 With Me

(Valued at £497 +VAT)

To be taken before the end of 2022. Often covering the big-picture business planning, it’s your opportunity to ask me anything you want, without anyone else on the call.

This is your time with me to go even deeper into your business and get the personalised support I usually only offer my 121 clients.

03. The Sales Framework Training

(Valued at £39)

Join me for a power-packed session and digital asset download that will help you achieve the sales success you've always dreamed of.

Inside this training, we will be unpicking a simple but effective way to start mapping out and forecasting for your sales - but also with an intentional action plan to achieve them.

This training is NOT just about adding numbers or plucking conversions out of thin air or just desire, it is based on your price points, your capacity, your programmes and HOW this can look from a practical and sales perspective.

Facebook Community
[£500/month value]

A Monthly Strategy Session
[£997 value]

A Weekly Q&A Thread
[priceless for this level of consistent support]

A Monthly Q&A Session
[£997 value]

Additional Masterclasses with Sam
[£449 +VAT value]

BONUS: The Business Bundle
[£197 value]

BONUS: A 30-MINUTE 1:1 Call
[£497 value]

BONUS: The Sales Framework Training
[£39 value]

Total Value = £10,218.60 + the priceless Q&A Thread

Today's Price

= £300/ 15 MO +VAT


Facebook Community
[£500/month value]

A Monthly Strategy Session
[£997 value]

A Weekly Q&A Thread
[priceless for this level of consistent support]

A Monthly Q&A Session
[£997 value]

Additional Masterclasses with Sam
[£449 +VAT value]

BONUS: The Business Bundle
[£197 value]

BONUS: A 30-MINUTE 1:1 Call
[£497 value]

BONUS: The Sales Framework Training
[£39 value]

Total Value = £10,218.60 + the priceless Q&A Thread



Here’s my guarantee to you:

Though I cannot guarantee your results, as with any coaching programme/mastermind it's all about how much you put into it and whether you do the work.

What I can guarantee is that I will give you 110%.

I will support you and cheer you on like no other has before.

I will do my absolute best to equip you with the strategies and tools to succeed.

But the rest is down to you.

I am creating this environment as I know it works. I know from my previous clients, from existing mastermind ladies, that communities like this create astounding results - just check out the testimonials and screenshots on this page.

And I want that for you, too. Do you?

Are you ready to go ALL-IN and create a shift?


Facebook Community
[£500/month value]

A Monthly Strategy Session
[£997 value]

A Weekly Q&A Thread
[priceless for this level of consistent support]

A Monthly Q&A Session
[£997 value]

Additional Masterclasses with Sam
[£449 +VAT value]

BONUS: The Business Bundle
[£197 value]

BONUS: A 30-MINUTE 1:1 Call
[£497 value]

BONUS: The Sales Framework Training
[£39 value]

BONUS: The Simply Sustainable Selling Systems CPD accreditation
[£1497 value]

Total Value = £11,715.60 + the priceless Q&A Thread

Today's Price = £300/ 15 MO +VAT


Facebook Community
[£500/month value]

A Monthly Strategy Session
[£997 value]

A Weekly Q&A Thread
[priceless for this level of consistent support]

A Monthly Q&A Session
[£997 value]

Additional Masterclasses with Sam
[£449 +VAT value]

BONUS: The Business Bundle
[£197 value]

BONUS: A 30-MINUTE 1:1 Call
[£497 value]

BONUS: The Sales Framework Training
[£39 value]

Total Value = £10,218.60 + the priceless Q&A Thread



The thing is…. I know you don’t make as much progress in your business as when you have me in your corner…

And I want that for you.

I want you to have the momentum you’re longing for. The support and accountability.

This is your opportunity to get access to me for far less than any of my other offers. And this opportunity won’t come around again. I have no plans to open the doors back up until this time next year.

How different could things be in a years time with my support and the support of other businesswomen around you?

I want you to close your eyes (in a minute…) and visualise what your life would look like after a year of taking meaningful action on your business….

What did you see?

How did it feel?

Do you want that for your business?


But, what if nothing changes, and you’re in exactly the same position in a year’s time as you are today when you’re reading this. How would that feel? What would that mean for your life, your business?

In fact, what usually happens when people don’t take the action needed is that instead of staying still they actually get worse….

And I don’t want that for you or for your business.

Especially when you can turn everything around for less than £10 a day.

Facebook Community
[£500/month value]

A Monthly Strategy Session
[£997 value]

A Weekly Q&A Thread
[priceless for this level of consistent support]

A Monthly Q&A Session
[£997 value]

Additional Masterclasses with Sam
[£449 +VAT value]

BONUS: The Business Bundle
[£197 value]

BONUS: A 30-MINUTE 1:1 Call
[£497 value]

BONUS: The Sales Framework Training
[£39 value]

BONUS: The Simply Sustainable Selling Systems CPD accreditation
[£1497 value]

Total Value = £11,715.60 + the priceless Q&A Thread

Today's Price = £300/ 15 mo +VAT


Facebook Community
[£500/month value]

A Monthly Strategy Session
[£997 value]

A Weekly Q&A Thread
[priceless for this level of consistent support]

A Monthly Q&A Session
[£997 value]

Additional Masterclasses with Sam
[£449 +VAT value]

BONUS: The Business Bundle
[£197 value]

BONUS: A 30-MINUTE 1:1 Call
[£497 value]

BONUS: The Sales Framework Training
[£39 value]

Total Value = £10,218.60 + the priceless Q&A Thread

Today's Price = £397/MO +VAT